9:13 PM
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Today, out of no where, Lo was telling Amy and I when she had to go potty. She still wet a few diapers, but she peed in the potty 4 times today! That's amazing to me. She sees all the other kids going potty in the toilet and wants to "join the potty club" too, as Nana would say. I'll have to make sure I keep working with her on it when we get home. It would be awesome to not have anymore diapers. I would gladly give away the brand new Costco box of Huggies diapers at home just to have her potty trained.
9:40 PM
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Just got to Utah this afternoon... Lorelai has always had a special connection with James and Papa and this time is NO DIFFERENT! She just adores them. Although she for sure loves Nana because Nana plays with her all the time and gives her whatever she wants, she just relentlessly follows James and Papa around. Calling their names when she can't see them, making sure they are with us when we leave the house... and of course inserting "ba-bye James, ba-bye Papa" into her night time routine.
10:53 PM
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Last night she added:
ba-bye James
ba-bye Papa
Which is funny because we look through pictures here and there and I show her all the family she doesn't get to see very often, but I have been so busy, I haven't gotten to it recently. I can't even imagine how she remembered the names. She loves her papa and she is SO in love with James when she sees them... but it's been quite a while and she is only 20 months.
She also has been saying ba-bye to her favorite tv shows:
ba-bye sign sign (Signing Time)
ba-bye Gabba (Yo Gabba Gabba)
ba-bye Wiggles
7:13 PM
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Every night before Lo goes to sleep she has to say "bye" to many different things and people. Mostly it goes:
ba-bye William
ba-bye Lucy
ba-bye Kim
ba-bye Nancy
ba-bye Tucker
ba-bye Taz
ba-bye Tully
ba-bye Maggie
Sometimes she throws in "ba-bye chair" or bear or milky. But the other night she said "ba-bye seven!"
Apparently she was feeling close to seven that night.
Every night she says ba-bye to something funny and I can't ever remember all of them, so I will try to post more night time ba-byes.