The 3 week head trauma
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Lo was at Nana Sandy's house and tripped and fell and rocked her head on the coffee table leaving a giant goose egg on her forehead. A week later I just stepped in the shower and heard a loud thump and then screaming. Came running out and Lo was bleeding from her mouth. I grabbed her and started to clean her up when I noticed the goose egg was more than back. Bigger than last time and there was an outside ring of yellow from the week before's incident with a giant blue inner lump from this time. 2 days later her delayed black eyes showed up from that crash.
A whole week later I was chatting with MG and Lo was playing with her kids and she was on the couch and fell off backwards, flipping over and smacking into the hardwoods face first. I about died. The black eyes instantly got worse and the forehead goose egg was the biggest yet and she scratched her upper lip. I felt so incredibly horrible. I didn't get good pics of the first 2, but these are pics after a few days of the 3rd. I wish the pics were true to how horrible it really was. These pics look totally mild.
Lo is a mess!!! lol..that is how is works...they fall and get hurt and then it happens over and over again. I think it is a conspiracy to try to make us look like bad paretns. hahaha poor baby....
love ya!
Oh poor girl. It always comes in waves. I hope she can stop falling enough to heal. I can;t wait to see you guys soon.
Ouch poor little Lo, her beautiful face is all bruise now! I can't wait until you girls come, we are going to have so much fun with all the kids!
Oh my gosh! Poor Lo! That is so sad! Give her a kiss for me. That's a bummer. She handles it with a smile on her face though. She is so cute, I can't wait to see her and of course you Misty! Love you Mist!
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